Go Ghost Hunting on historic haunted property with Frightland: Paranormal

While we’re definitely known for our scares, many people didn’t know that Frightland is actually haunted. Over the last 19 years in business, we’ve had numerous experiences and an untold number of staff that have had encounters with things that just couldn’t be explained. Taps, footsteps, batteries being drained, mysterious fogs, orbs and much more were all apart of the paranormal experiences that people reported.
We brought in our friends at Diamond Stage Ghost Investigators to do a full paranormal investigation in April 2015. The results were absolutely incredible. We documented the footage for a documentary short called, Frightland: A Paranormal Investigation, which you can view below. Additionally, due to the overwhelming demand, we’ve opened up our doors for guests to join us for their very own paranormal investigation and ghost hunt. We call it, Frightland: Paranormal.
Check out our full Frightland: Paranormal page for all of the details, information and dates and times.