Happy Mother’s Day from Frightland

Ahhh, it is May 10th, 2015 which can only mean one thing: it is Mother’s Day!
If you haven’t yet, give your mother a huge hug and kiss and thank her for allowing you to be your wonderfully weird self for all of your life. After all, if it wasn’t for your mom, how could you possibly have cultivated your love for haunted attractions and horror? The answer is: you couldn’t have. It was your mom who hugged away your nightmares after you snuck in that horror movie viewing. It was your mom who bought you that first scary movie! It was your mom who helped to tirelessly make your Halloween outfit perfect!
So, from all of us at Frightland to all of you, our Fright family, Happy Mother’s Day to you and yours! No matter if you’re a mom yourself or you have yours in your life, our hats go off to to you today!
Moms and not-moms, we are working very hard to bring you the best season yet! We’ve got a lot of great things heading your way for our upcoming 19th season. We’ll see you all in Middletown Delaware in September folks! Stay tuned.
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