REWARD! Arm Robbery At Frightland

We are extremely sad to report that our model employee, DD Graves, has been violently touched and manhandled by a horrible perpetrator. The perpetrator drove his car in front of our plane and pulled over on Route 13 at 2:22 AM on Friday morning July 31, 2015. The male, who appears roughly 5’9 and 220 – 250 pounds, wearing tan khakis, a dark shirt and work shoes, parks his car, attempts to cross our drainage ditch full of water and ran to our plane. From there, the portly villain tried to abduct DD, who put up an amazing struggle against the perpetrator. During the violent struggle, DD’s torso was severed from her waist, the perpetrator ran off with her arm like a failed robber in the night – because he truly is a failed robber. Seriously, what person who is trespassing on beloved property and committing theft, can’t manage to make it down the hill without tripping and then can’t even abduct the whole model?#ThiefFail

In the meantime, we have promised DD that we would do everything in our power to apprehend the perpetrator and have justice prevail. So Frightland is offering a $500 reward for information that leads to the successful arrest and prosecution of the perpetrator. Our police report is now on file with the Troop 9 police. If you have any information pertaining to this crime or know the whereabouts of DD’s arm, please contact us via e-mail at Frightland or call us at (302) 838-0256; or, contact Troop 9 at (302) 378-5749 and reference the Frightland DD Graves case.
Below we have included video of the said events, but we must warn that this is raw footage – do not watch if you have a weak stomach.